Last updated on October 22nd, 2023 at 05:16 pm

The power steering control module in your Chevy Cobalt is critical to ensuring smooth and effortless steering. This thorough guide will uncover the intricacies of the power steering control module, explore its functions, identify common symptoms of issues, discuss diagnostic methods, and provide insights into repairs and maintenance.

How the Power Steering Control Module Works

Central Brain of the System

The power steering control module acts as the brain of your car’s steering system. It processes information to ensure smooth and responsive steering.

Interpretation of Sensor Signals

Important information like speed, engine RPM, wheel position, and the driver’s input are picked up by sensors inside the car. By figuring out what these signals mean, the module gets a full picture of the car’s present state.

Steering Assist Adjustment

Based on the received signals, the module adjusts the steering assist provided to the driver. At lower speeds, such as during parking, it increases assistance for easier steering. Conversely, at higher speeds, it might reduce assistance for better control.

Responsiveness to Driver Input

Your steering actions, like turning the wheel, are translated into electrical signals. The module responds swiftly and accurately, making the steering feel natural and intuitive for the driver.

Adaptation to Driving Conditions

The module adapts the steering assistance according to different driving conditions. Whether you’re navigating tight city streets, cruising on the highway, or driving on winding roads, the module continuously adjusts the steering response. This dynamic adaptation enhances both the safety and comfort of your driving experience, ensuring optimal performance in various situations.

Common Symptoms of a Failing Power Steering Control Module

Intermittent Loss of Power Steering Assistance

  • Description: You may find your steering becoming noticeably harder to turn, making driving more challenging.
  • Implications: This symptom is often a clear indication of a malfunctioning power steering control module, which hampers the ease of steering.

Steering Wheel Vibrations

  • Description: Vibrations felt through the steering wheel, particularly during turns or maneuvers.
  • Implications: Vibrations are potential signs of issues within the module, affecting the smoothness and responsiveness of steering. These vibrations can disrupt your driving experience, indicating a problem that needs attention.

Strange Noises

  • Description: Whining or clunking sounds originating from the steering, especially noticeable at low speeds.
  • Implications: Unusual noises are concerning and could indicate internal problems within the power steering control module. These sounds suggest that the module might be struggling, demanding immediate attention to prevent further damage. Ignoring these noises could lead to worsening issues in the steering system. Addressing these symptoms promptly is crucial to maintaining the safety and functionality of your vehicle’s steering.

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Diagnosing Power Steering Control Module Problems

Step 1: Initial Symptoms Analysis

Begin by observing and documenting any symptoms such as difficulty in steering, strange noises, or vibrations. Note down when these symptoms occur and under what driving conditions.

Step 2: Visual Inspection

Conduct a visual inspection of the power steering system, checking for visible leaks, damaged components, or loose connections. Pay attention to the power steering control module and its wiring harness.

Step 3: Preliminary Checks

Perform basic checks, such as ensuring the power steering fluid level is adequate and the serpentine belt driving the power steering pump is in good condition.

Step 4: Utilize Diagnostic Tools

Utilize specialized diagnostic tools and equipment, such as OBD-II scanners and power steering system analyzers. These tools can access the power steering control module’s data and identify specific issues.

Step 5: Analyze Diagnostic Codes

Retrieve diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) from the power steering control module using the diagnostic tools. These codes provide specific information about the module’s malfunctions, aiding in accurate diagnosis.

Step 6: Consult Professional Expertise

If you lack experience with diagnostic tools or if the issue remains unresolved, seek assistance from a professional mechanic. Experienced technicians have the knowledge and expertise to interpret diagnostic codes accurately.

Step 7: Advanced Diagnostics

In complex cases, professionals might perform in-depth diagnostics, involving live data analysis and module-specific tests. These advanced procedures help pinpoint the exact problem within the power steering control module.

Step 8: Repair or Replacement

Based on the diagnosis, the mechanic will recommend either repairing the existing module (if possible) or replacing it with a new or remanufactured unit. Follow their advice for a comprehensive solution to the power steering control module problems.

Following these steps ensures a systematic approach to diagnosing power steering control module problems, leading to effective and precise solutions for your vehicle.

Common Causes of Power Steering Control Module Failures

Electrical Failures

  • Description: Electrical failures encompass issues within the module’s wiring or electronic components.
  • Implications: Disrupted communication channels can result in erratic steering behavior, leading to safety concerns for the driver.


  • Description: Excessive heat can cause sensitive electronic components within the module to malfunction.
  • Impact: Overheating compromises the module’s accuracy in interpreting sensor signals, affecting the precision of steering assistance and potentially causing unpredictable steering responses.

Fluid Contamination

  • Description: Contaminated power steering fluid, often due to lack of regular maintenance, can negatively impact the module.
  • Implications: Dirty or contaminated fluid can infiltrate the module, causing damage to internal components. This damage reduces the module’s efficiency, responsiveness, and overall effectiveness in providing appropriate steering assistance.

Understanding these common causes is essential for vehicle owners and mechanics alike. Regular maintenance, ensuring proper fluid levels, and addressing electrical issues promptly can significantly contribute to preventing power steering control module failures. Timely intervention and addressing these factors during routine vehicle check-ups can extend the module’s lifespan and maintain the optimal functionality of the power steering system.

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Repairs and Replacements

Module Reprogramming

  • Description: Reprogramming focuses on updating the module’s software to address software-related glitches or minor issues.
  • Implications: This cost-effective solution involves modifying the module’s programming, and enhancing its performance. Reprogramming is suitable for cases where the problem is software-based, improving the module’s functionality without the need for a complete replacement.

Module Replacement

  • Description: In instances of severe damage, extensive malfunctions, or irreparable issues, replacing the module becomes necessary.
  • Implications: While it might involve a higher cost, replacing the module with a new one ensures optimal functionality. A new module provides reliable and precise steering assistance, restoring your Cobalt’s steering system to its full potential. This approach guarantees the long-term health of your vehicle’s power steering, ensuring smooth and safe driving experiences.

Considering the severity of the problem, professional mechanics assess the condition of the power steering control module. For minor issues, reprogramming proves effective, offering a budget-friendly solution. However, when faced with significant damage or persistent malfunctions, opting for a module replacement ensures the restoration of your Cobalt’s steering system, providing reliable performance and enhancing overall safety on the road. Regular vehicle check-ups can help identify potential issues early, enabling timely interventions and preventing extensive damage to the power steering control module

DIY Tips for Power Steering Control Module Maintenance

Regular Fluid Checks

  • Description: Periodically inspect power steering fluid levels and quality.
  • Implications: Proper fluid maintenance prevents contamination, preserving the module’s integrity.

Visual Inspections

  • Description: Inspect the module for signs of wear, damage, or loose connections.
  • Implications: Early detection of issues allows for timely repairs, preventing further damage to the module.

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Professional vs. DIY Repairs: Pros and Cons

Professional Repairs

  • Pros: Accurate diagnosis, expert solutions, warranty preservation.
  • Cons: Higher cost, reliance on professional expertise.

DIY Repairs

  • Pros: Cost-effective for minor tasks, hands-on experience.
  • Cons: Risk of misdiagnosis, voiding warranty if applicable, limited expertise.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the signs of a failing Chevy Cobalt power steering module?

Common signs include intermittent loss of power steering assistance, steering wheel vibrations, and unusual noises such as whining or clunking. These symptoms indicate potential issues with the power steering control module.

2. How does a Chevy Cobalt’s power steering control module work?

The power steering control module acts as the brain of the power steering system. It interprets input from various sensors, adjusting the steering assist accordingly. Modulating hydraulic pressure ensures smooth and effortless steering for the driver.

3. What causes Cobalt power steering module malfunctions?

Malfunctions can occur due to electrical failures, overheating, or fluid contamination. Wiring issues, high temperatures, or dirty power steering fluid can disrupt the module’s functionality, leading to problems.

4. Are there DIY troubleshooting steps for diagnosing a Chevy Cobalt’s power steering control module issues?

While basic checks can be performed, accurate diagnosis requires specialized diagnostic tools. It’s advisable to consult a professional mechanic for precise troubleshooting and diagnosis.

5. Where is the power steering control module located in a Chevy Cobalt, and how difficult is it to access for repairs?

The power steering control module is typically located near the steering column under the dashboard. Accessing it for repairs may require some disassembly of interior components, making it moderately challenging for DIY repairs.

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6. What is the typical cost of replacing a power steering control module in a Chevy Cobalt, including parts and labor?

The cost of replacement varies based on the specific model and labor charges. On average, including parts and labor, a replacement can cost between $500 to $1000. It’s essential to obtain quotes from reputable repair shops for accurate pricing.

7. Can a faulty power steering control module affect other systems in a Chevy Cobalt, and if so, how? 

Yes, a faulty power steering control module can affect other systems. It may impact the vehicle’s stability and traction control systems, compromising overall vehicle safety and handling.

8. Are any recalls or common manufacturer defects associated with Chevy Cobalt models’ power steering control modules?

While no widespread recalls exist, isolated cases of power steering control module issues have been reported. Vehicle owners should stay updated with manufacturer communications and recalls for any potential defects related to this component.

9. What are the long-term consequences of ignoring issues with a Chevy Cobalt’s power steering control module?

Ignoring issues can lead to worsening steering problems, compromising vehicle safety. Continued use may result in increased repair costs and potentially hazardous driving conditions. It’s crucial to address issues promptly to avoid extensive damage.

10. Can you reset or reprogram the power steering control module in a Chevy Cobalt without professional assistance?

Reprogramming the module demands specialized software and tools, which can be quite challenging for DIY efforts. It’s recommended to seek the help of professionals to guarantee precise reprogramming and to avoid additional issues.

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11. Does a Chevy Cobalt have Electric Power Steering?

Yes, later models of the Chevy Cobalt come with electric power steering (EPS). EPS systems utilize an electric motor to aid steering, enhancing efficiency and control.

12. Does a 2005 Chevy Cobalt have Electric Power Steering?

No, the 2005 Chevy Cobalt does not have electric power steering. The electric power steering system was introduced in later models of the Cobalt, starting from 2006 and onwards.

13. Does a 2008 Cobalt have Electric Power Steering?

Yes, the 2008 Chevy Cobalt is equipped with electric power steering. This system enhances steering performance and fuel efficiency compared to traditional hydraulic power steering systems.

14. Does 2007 Cobalt have Power Steering?

Yes, the 2007 Chevy Cobalt is equipped with power steering. However, it’s important to note that the 2007 Cobalt may have either traditional hydraulic or electric power steering, depending on the trim level and configuration.

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Final Words

In conclusion, understanding your Chevy Cobalt’s power steering control module is essential for maintaining a safe and enjoyable driving experience. Recognizing symptoms, diagnosing problems accurately, and choosing appropriate repair methods are crucial to ensuring your vehicle’s steering system operates at peak performance. Whether opting for professional repairs or DIY maintenance, timely attention to power steering control module issues preserves your Cobalt’s steering functionality and prolongs its lifespan.

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